Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thong Minh Mang

In my opinion this is the most stunning of the Ngyen tombs outside Hue. Minh Mang reigned from 1820 to 1841

Three thousand soldiers and laborers worked on the tomb in 1840. After he died his son enlisted 9 000 soldiers and workers to finish the job. The King had 142 offspring so I guess he was quite pleased to eventually be lying in peace.

A 10 ft/3 m high wall runs around 40 buildings in a beautiful park setting.

This is Thong Minh Chinh Truc Bridge over the Ton Nguyet Lake.

Views across the lake from the Stela Pavilion

Painted ceiling of the Stela Pavillion


dive said...

That's a truly beautiful and serene setting, Jules.

Tom said...

WoW a 142 off springs... it's a wonder they got the lid down on the coffin.... sorry Jules lowering the tone a bit there ;O)

It is certainly a remarkable tomb.

Jules said...

Hi Dive - yes and do you notice that there is no one else there??? Isn't that a huge bonus. Imagine having The Tower of London or something similar in London to yourself!!!

Tom - you are a scream HWDB and I laughed out loud. I have a vivid imagination so that image will stay with me all day. When I'm getting ashed on I'll think of that and it will make me laugh again!!!

alicesg said...

Hahaha..Not surprising on the 142 offsprings, he had so many concubines.

Donna said...

What a beautiful place to rest...Happy day to you sweetie!