Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Lantern Shop - Hoi An

This gentleman was baby-sitting his little boy while looking after his lantern shop on the esplanade, Hoi An.


alicesg said...

Those lanterns are so lovely and colourful.

Jules said...

I wish I had bought more now Alicesg !!

Tom said...

I have to agree, these are stunning... the coloures jump out at you.. at night when lit these must really be beautiful... You do take the best pictures Jules.. you really do.

dive said...

I love paper lanterns.
They're a real fire hazard with candles inside, but my parents had them around the house when I was a kid and I've loved them ever since.

alicesg said...

I was given the "You Make My Day Award" and I am now passing it to you. Please visit my blog to collect it. :)

Tom said...

Hi Jules.. I understand you have again having 'Line trouble' when it comes back on I just wanted you to see this...

Your Blog here is a Lantern Of Light... it brightens up my time blogging... ha! :O) See how sickly sweet 'Old Womtig' can be...

Bobby D. said...

some of the small lanterns remind me of flags, some colors are not in the right order, but remind me of flags just the same. the whole photo set is very pretty.

Jules said...

Hi All - so glad you like these.

Alice - thank you so much for the award - most appreciated!!!

AAAhhh Tom - only just got back here after all my problems!!! You are very mushy today - I love it - it keeps me posting when all I feel like doing is throwing it all into the sea!!!!