Thursday, May 15, 2008

Notre Dame - Saigon style

Notre Dame (Duc Ba) Cathedral with its 56 m bell towers that hold six bells weighing nearly 30 tons, rises over Paris Square in downtown Saigon. It stands across from The Post office (last post). French architect Jules Bourand designed the cathedral and it was completed in 1890 .

You can still see bullet holes in the facade, and in 2005 people flocked to the square with rumours the Virgin Mary was shedding tears.

This young couple had their photos taken outside the church.


Donna said...

Sweet pictures! Love the wedding couple!!hughugs

Anonymous said...

These are very nice photographs. I like the last picture a lot.

alicesg said...

Very beautiful buildings.

Tom said...

Delightful and charming pictures of a beautiful building Jules..

Rambling Woods said...

The couple could be from the states..

Anonymous said...

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